Rejuvapen Consent Form 886 Pompton Ave, Suite A1Cedar Grove NJ, 07009 The following points of information, among others, have been specifically discussed and made clear and I have had the opportunity to ask any questions concerning this information: ,(patients name) understand that MICRO-NEEDLING will be used today to treat . I have been examined by my provider and have been cleared for this procedure. Initials: 2. Any and all follow-up treatment (if necessary) needs to be scheduled with a licensed medical provider to determine if additional treatments are necessary. Initials: 3. I understand that most patients look as though they have a moderate to severe sunburn and my skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. Most patients usually recover within 24 hours or less. Because the device may penetrate the skin there can be a risk of infection, if this occurs, a follow up appointment will be required for further treatment. Initials: 4. Micro-needling may not be used directly on any of the below conditions. I have disclosed any of the health concerns below that apply to me: Open sores or lesions Skin cancer Broken or irritated skin, including conditions such as hives or dermatitis Any stage of melanoma Rosacea (Nodule) Raised Surface Eczema Active Acne Any type of skin infections Initials: Client Name (printed) Client Name (Signature)